Argentine Conference on 

Discipleship Counseling


Dr. Neil T. Anderson

Building on the concepts found in Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson's counseling ministry guide provides clear information and excellent models to help you understand what discipleship counseling is all about. During a conference in Argentina, Dr. Anderson presented six lessons addressing Sanctification and the Discipleship process, as well as suggestions for starting a Community Freedom Ministry in your church and for training in Discipleship Counseling.

As you view Dr. Anderson’s presentations, you should also read the presentation syllabus that was provided at the conference. This syllabus is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and can be read with the free Acrobat reader.If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat reader, it can be downloaded by clicking on the Adobe Reader icon to the right.

The bookstore operated by Freedom in Christ Ministries – USA  has books and materials written by Dr. Anderson. We recommend you read Victory Over the Darkness, The Bondage Breaker, and Discipleship Counseling


Presentations by Dr. Neil Anderson at the Buenos Aires, Argentina conference on Discipleship Counseling:

Presentation Syllabus: Discipleship Counseling Syllabus (click to view or download)

Session 1: Sanctification and the Discipleship Process




Session 2: Mental Strongholds



Session 3: Battle for our Minds

Session 4: Forgiving from the Heart



Session 5: Discipleship Counseling




Session 6: Counseling in Christ





Session 7: The Steps to Freedom in Christ







Session 8: Starting a Freedom Ministry

Session 9: Discipleship Counseling Training